My own intellectual vibrations are ensconced into the annotations I make as I read.

I’m curious how this habit will change my thinking over time.

Can we create a link between César A. Hidalgo’s idea about crystalized thoughts and intellectual vibrations? (There’s the germ of something here? Maybe it’s just the chemistry and crystal thing?)


The kind of deep reading that a sequence of printed pages promotes is valuable not just for the knowledge we acquire from the author’s words but for the intellectual vibrations those words set off within our own minds. 1


links: habits tools for thought tools for thought

  • broader terms (BT): thinking
  • narrower terms (NT):
  • related terms (RT):
  • used for (UF) or aliases:

connected ideas:


  1. Is Google Making Us Stupid | syndication link↩︎


June 8, 2021