I love this idea.

@remikalir and @anterobot mention a broader idea of Twitter as annotation for the commons in chapter 4 of their book:

Yes, Twitter may be digital marginalia on everything. But that cloud of conversation is a bit too diffuse for our purposes; we need to lower our signal-to-noise ratio just a bit. Which means we should recognize how annotation sparks and sustains conversation under certain conditions.

@remikalir also quotes and comments on Sam Anderson’s The New York Times Magazine article What I Really Want Is Someone Rolling Around in the Text”, which has a similar bent.

The needs for useful UI, discovery, and handling of signal to noise need to be looked at closely in this space to make them useful for the masses however.

On the discovery side, we also need to work at creating notifications so someone like Taibbi would see your annotation, but potentially not be inundated with the messy morass of spam and me too” comments that can be the responses some see on public platforms like Twitter or even in comments sections on newspaper/magazine sites.


hey suggest annotation presents a vital means by which academics can re-engage with each other and the wider world.

I suggest that the real power of annotation is not necessarily with academia. We need to go beyond academics and find ways to engage with others outside. For example, I have tried to engage Matt Taibbi on his substack article: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftaibbi.substack.com%2Fp%2Fcongratulations-elitists-liberals&group=__world__ 1


links: annotations spam signal-to-noise-ratio Twitter academia

connected ideas:


See also

  1. [[Joining the great conversation’ — The fundamental role of annotation in academic society]] | syndication link↩︎


June 8, 2021