Insight can’t be anticipated, so how does one plan for it?
How do you plan for insight, which, by definition, cannot be anticipated1
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Taking about race does note equal racism. —Eric Deggans 1
links: anti-racism quotes
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Changing racism means believing peoples’ experiences and having some sympathy.
One important note for white people: When people of color share their experiences with white supremacy, believe them.
“I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen who claim to be anti-racist and care about building anti-racist organizations,” Singh says. “But when people of color speak, they’re like, ‘Oh, well, they’re doing it wrong.’ Or ‘That’s one (person’s experience).’ You have an opportunity in that moment to believe what that person is saying.” 1
links: racist policies gaslighting
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Perhaps a better framing is to not look at things from such a broad perspective, but to focus in on the smaller and more specific? Racism is a big forest, but to really see and fix it we need to look at individual racist idea hills and plains and specific racist policy trees, plants, and shrubs.
People also have more sympathy for the individual and less sympathy when looking at larger groups.
Which might explain why, for people dedicated to fighting racism, simply saying you’re “not racist” doesn’t feel like quite enough. To effectively defeat systemic racism — racism embedded as normal practice in institutions like education and law enforcement — you’ve got to be continually working towards equality for all races, striving to undo racism in your mind, your personal environment and the wider world. 1
links: racism institutional racism racist ideas racist policies focus on the specific descent into the particular sympathy framing
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This is the sort of thing that Webmention could fix by showing social proof beyond academic “proof”
Filipino high school kids read my book. Filipinos outside of academia gift it to their moms and dads and kids. A Filipino college student made a doc film based on the book. A Filipino dancer choreographed a show after reading it.
— anthony c. ocampo, ph.d. 🇵🇭🏳️🌈 (@anthonyocampo) December 13, 2020
In academia, that has an impact factor of 0. 🙃
links: [[academic samizdat]] [[IndieWeb for Education]]
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John McWhorter’s definition of racism
Today, racist means not only burning a cross on someone’s lawn or even telling someone to go home, but also what feels unpleasant to someone of a race—as in what I as a person of that race don’t like. It has gone from being mean to someone to, also, what feels mean to me. 1
tags: #racism #definition
links: [[Words MOC]]
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