Here it is in July 2008, Nicholas Carr has essentially specified and created a small warning bell about the surveillance capitalism we’ve been experiencing for the past 13 years. He’s also put a bright yellow highlight on the method by which they would do it.
What are other early surveillance capitalism warning sources from this period?
The idea that our minds should operate as high-speed data-processing machines is not only built into the workings of the Internet, it is the network’s reigning business model as well. The faster we surf across the Web—the more links we click and pages we view—the more opportunities Google and other companies gain to collect information about us and to feed us advertisements. Most of the proprietors of the commercial Internet have a financial stake in collecting the crumbs of data we leave behind as we flit from link to link—the more crumbs, the better. The last thing these companies want is to encourage leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. It’s in their economic interest to drive us to distraction. 1
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- narrower terms (NT):
- related terms (RT):
- used for (UF) or aliases:
connected ideas: