Lie of the patriarch is hierarchy
The lie of patriarchy is dominion. The lie of patriarchy is hierarchy—that you’re above the world you’re above nature and you’re imposing your will like a doctor on a patient, or a mechanic on a car—you are above the system. This is called hubris. —Terry Real, psychologist [~30:00 into episode] 1
Running away from your vulnerability is like running away from your rectum. —Terry Real, psychologist [33:20 into episode] 2
2021-11-04 Archived from Jetpack notebook of handwritten notes from 2018-12-06 | syndication link
links: scala naturae hierarchy psychology toxic masculinity
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Quotes from Episode 57: Domination (MEN, Part 11) by John Biewen from Scene on Radio↩︎
Quotes from Episode 57: Domination (MEN, Part 11) by John Biewen from Scene on Radio↩︎